Meaning of Editor
1. Person in charge of the publication of a periodical or one of its sections (such as city editor, science editor, and sports editor)
2. One who writes editorials.
3. The editor is reponsible person for falls news...and successful stories also.
Role of an Editor
Stephen King was once reputed to say. “To write is human to edit is divine.”
Although at the front of most novels, one might see a note of gratitude to the editor, I’d always thought it was like thanking ones parent at speech night and not fully appreciated the value a good editor can make with a manuscript.
An editor brings an active intelligent voice to your manuscript, drawing out the best to give you the most optimal chance to be published. More than any other person involved with the author on their quest to be published, the working relationship with a editor has the opportunity to be extremely intense and personal.
What is an Editor?
Editors will normally correct a manuscript based first on the writer’s goals; having either spoken or communicated extensively with them about this. They will then look at the shape or condition of the writing itself. Generally an edit will include correcting errors in syntax (spelling, punctuation & grammar) a line edit or a proofread, with notes or observations on the character development, plot structure and clarity. An editor will also look for clichéd phrases, over-used words and the overall organization of the story. Editors will also check the facts and often will look at the ethical or legal issues surrounding the work to ensure that the writer is not going to make a fool of themselves once published.
Qualities of an Editor
Freelancers love to grouse about bad editors. But good editors are a treasure. Here are my top 10 qualities of a good editor:
1. Has some sense of business etiquette, so they call or email about your story pitches or edits in a timely fashion.
2. Is organized, so they can keep track of multiple writers working on multiple stories for multiple issues without constantly acting like the world’s about to end.
3. Has a solid grasp of their publication or their particular department, so they can explain why a pitch is or isn’t a good fit, and if it’s the latter, make suggestions for changes that would bring it on target.
4. Suggests sources for stories or makes themselves available for brainstorming sessions if you’re stuck on where to find them.
5. Has solid self esteem, so they don’t feel the need to put their hands all over your copy if it’s good enough as is.
6. Is a prudent copywriter, so whatever work they do to your copy makes it even better.
7. Isn’t a raging egotist, so they relate to writers as equals, not underlings.
8. Doesn’t change their mind and want to a different angle for your story after it’s in and done.
9. Follows through on promises (and contracts), so you get paid what and when you’re supposed to.
10. Shows their appreciation, by occasionally – or in some wonderful cases – regularly giving you assignments.